Very good reporting by AlJazeeraEnglish on Detroit’s financial crisis, and the history leading up to Governor Rick Snyder’s appointment of Emergency Financial Manager Kevin Orr, a former partner at the Jones Day law firm, and described by Governor Snyder as an expert in restructuring debt.
Solar Power Coming to a Home Depot Near You
•New York City’s Old Penn Station
Pennsylvania Station in New York City was the Northeast regional hub for the Pennsylvania Railroad, an iconic Beaux Arts style train terminal constructed in 1910. After World War II, in the wake of the modern, suburban, car-centric era, which emphasized road over rails, ridership fell. Meanwhile Manhattan real estate prices skyrocketed and the Pennsylvania Railroad,…
Artists Against Fracking: Don’t Frack My Mother
•Fracktivists Protest Act 13 and Send PA Gov Corbett a Valentine
Anti-Fracking activists gathered on Wednesday in Philadelphia’s Love Park to protest Act 13, signed by Pennsylvania Governor Corbett last February 14th and largely seen as a big valentine by the Republican controlled General Assembly to the natural gas industry in the state. The fractivists wanted to send their own valentine to Corbett this year. Act…
Senator Marco Rubio Skeptical About Climate Change
•Senator Marco Rubio says that he believes that there is a credible argument to be made that climate change is not man-made, and more importantly, he said, there may be nothing government can or should do about it. He also said that the US shouldn’t pass any laws unless other big polluter countries, like China,…
Modern Wheat, A Poison for Many, the Cause of “Wheat Belly”
•Cardiologist Dr. William Davis, author of “Wheat Belly: Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health,” told CBS News that modern wheat was genetically modified back in the 1960’s and ’70’s to improve yield per acre but that it is now a “perfect, chronic poison.” He took issue with guidelines backed by medical experts that recommend substituting whole grains for processed white flour, saying that most of the wheat grown in the US today contain a protein called gliadin, which stimulates appetite and can lead to obesity, diabetes, joint aches, depression, and other maladies, including “wheat belly,” extra weight that is concentrated in the belly. The proof, he says, is the better quality of life that comes to those who eliminate wheat from their diet.
Annie Leonard’s Fabulous Story of Stuff
•Why we need to think sustainably!
San Francisco On Its Way to Zero Waste
San Francisco has long taken seriously its goal to become the greenest city in the US. It started when then-Director for the San Francisco Department of Environment Jared Blumenfeld crafted a slate of environmental ordinances in 2009 designed to get the city to zero waste by 2020. It appears now that San Francisco is on-track.
Austin Adds Curbside Composting
•This month, the city of Austin added curbside composting.