This eco-conscious resident of Eugene, OR takes viewers on a tour of her renewable home, featuring gardens based on permaculture principles, complete insulation, solar energy, water catchment systems, and recycled materials. Very impressive!
Category: Homegrown
activism, community, DIY, lifestyle, gardening, biking, low-impact living, recipes
San Francisco Zero Waste by 2020
•GreenMarketingTV talks with San Francisco Department of the Environment’s Jared Blumenfeld about the ambitious sustainability goals for the city, which include:
- Zero Waste by 2020
- A Ban on Plastic Bags
- Elimination of Worst Pesticides
- All Buildings Follow LEED-Gold Standard
- Renewable Energy Tax Credits for Homeowners
- Affordable Energy Audits for Business
- Citywide Composting and Recycling
Casino Free Tries to ‘Beat the House’
•Casino Free Philadelphia release The materials are printed. The action is planned. On Saturday, June 6, Casino-Free Philadelphia will conduct a series of peaceful actions at Harrah’s Chester to call attention to the predatory practices of the casino industry. Anti-casino allies from Pittsburgh, Massachusetts and Chicago will be on their way shortly. And last night,…
Philadelphia Casino Issue Videos 2006-2009
•2009-05-08 09:45:55
Homegrown Green Builders Blog Their Projects
by Brian Baughan – Over the past several months, Philadelphia has witnessed the design and construction of modern homes pointing the way toward sustainable living. Through the convenient medium of the blog, readers have watched two buildings take shape from their own homes and offices. Building Green on Montrose and the 100K House are blogs…
Green City Teachers Grow Greens
PHS Press Release – The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) will lead more than 25 teachers in creating a school garden as part of its Green City Teachers program on Wednesday, July 9th at Hackett School, 2161 E. York Street. The event will start at 10AM. Now in its second year and made possible with funding…
Hallwatch: Keeping An Eye on City Hall
•In 2001, inspired by citizen activism and the effectiveness of old-fashioned letter writing campaigns, web publisher Edmund Goppelt started Hallwatch to provide information about Philadelphia politics and policies to the city’s citizens. Hallwatch informs Philadelphians about issues being decided in City Council, provides city real estate and tax information, and offers a faxbank where residents can type…
Meet Your Local Farmer
•Ever wonder why your neighborhood supermarket is stocking apples from the Pacific Northwest or even China instead of varieties grown closer to home? Ever notice how watery and bland supermarket tomatoes taste? Usually they’re grown across the country, in California, picked while green to ripen in transit. Worldwatch Institute reports that “in the U.S., food…
An Alternative to Gangs
•by Elton Jolly A reader writes in about a solution to youth violence in the city. Just this past August, I drove to my friend’s home around 51st and Ludlow. When we got there, 5 shots rang out. Then there was a man on the ground, semi-conscious, reaching for his cell phone, surrounded by blood.…
MCA: Challenging Casinos
•In 2004, Pennsylvania legislated the expansion of gambling to slots parlors, without the benefit of a public debate, mandating two 3000 slots-sized casinos for Philadelphia, and appointing the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board to issue licenses. That casinos are devastating to the communities in which they locate is pretty well known. They have brought nothing but…