A train traveling through Paulsboro, NJ derailed into Mantua Creek, a tributary to the Delaware River, on Friday morning, spilling an estimated 180,000 pounds of toxic vinyl chloride. Seventy one people effected by the fumes sought emergency help for burning eyes and breathing problems, according to WFMZ news. Hours later, officials declared no further hazard in the air.
The same cannot be said for the water. Four cars were dumped into the river after an apparent bridge collapse. At least one car spilled vinyl chloride, a known carcinogen linked to liver cancer, into the river. The Coast Guard has taken steps to prevent any further seepage into the Delaware River, a source of drinking water for residents of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Delaware.
Vinyl Chloride is a key ingredient in polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics, and is extremely flammable. Check pictures and get updates from nj1015.com.
The Inquirer gives an updated account of what happened: http://articles.philly.com/2012-12-02/news/35550165_1_paulsboro-derailment-train-crash-ntsb