
5 Ways Cities Are Going Green

By Bill Shaver – In recent decades, people have become more aware of the ways society affects the earth. Thousands of international cities are joining the green cities movement by striving to reduce their strain on the environment. Here are five of the most effective ways that international cities are increasing their sustainability. 1. Public…

Casino Free Tries to ‘Beat the House’

Casino Free Philadelphia release The materials are printed. The action is planned. On Saturday, June 6, Casino-Free Philadelphia will conduct a series of peaceful actions at Harrah’s Chester to call attention to the predatory practices of the casino industry. Anti-casino allies from Pittsburgh, Massachusetts and Chicago will be on their way shortly. And last night,…

Northeastern Stops Admitting Patients

by Jerry Silberman Fire Rescue ambulances are no longer accepted at the Emergency Room. In a plush office on Temple’s campus, executives are toasting their success in eliminating a “service line” that lost them money. Corporate hatchet man Ed Notebaert achieved the goal that made him worth millions to Ann Weaver Hart and the other…

Urban Agriculture in Philadelphia

Urban Sustainability Forum – How can we feed Philadelphia? Thursday, May 21, 6:30 – 8:30PM Panelists: Laurie Actman:  Project Director, Mayor’s Office of Sustainability, City of Philadelphia; Marcia Caton Campbell: Program Director, Center for Resilient Cities, Milwaukee; Ben Reynolds: Food Link Project Officer, Sustain London; Dominis Vitiello (moderator): Assistant Professor of City and Regional Planning…

Northeastern Hospital is “Shovel-Ready”!

Media Mobilizing Project – Dr. Alan Steinbach, Northeastern Hospital’s Director of ICU describes the need Northeastern serves in the community and asks people to contact Ann Weaver Hart of Temple as well as elected officials to ask them how the need will be accounted for in the city if the hospital closes. Click here for…

Help Count Crabs for DRN Census

Delaware Riverkeeper Network Every spring, horseshoe crabs converge along Delaware Bay beaches in the dark of night to spawn, timed with the arrival of migrating shorebirds who rely on crab eggs to refuel during their journey to their breeding grounds. If you’d like to observe the crab mating rituals by moonlight, help monitor their numbers,…

Save Our City Services

Neighborhood Networks and the Coalition for Essential Services will sponsor a TOWN MEETING ON CITY BUDGET SOLUTIONS Thursday, March 12th, 6:30PM, at Arch Street Methodist Church, 55 N. Broad, 19107 to find ways to save Philadelphia City Services. Sharon Ward, Director of the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, will speak about the state and city…

Media Mobilizing Project Mobilizing for Budget Talks

Media Mobilizing Project Last week, Mayor Nutter presented another round of budget cuts that represent a continued attack on the poor and working people of Philadelphia. Along with these proposed cuts, Nutter’s office announced a series of town hall meetings — meetings that are being sold to the public as places to be heard and…

Recycling: Get Loud, Get Answers

by Evan Belser This Thursday, February 22, at 1PM in Room 400 of City Hall there will be a City Council hearing regarding Philadelphia’s grossly inadequate recycling program. The hearing will be a landmark in a decade of advocacy on the matter. The advocates have argued their stance in terms of environmental stewardship. As it…

Homegrown Green Builders Blog Their Projects

by Brian Baughan – Over the past several months, Philadelphia has witnessed the design and construction of modern homes pointing the way toward sustainable living. Through the convenient medium of the blog, readers have watched two buildings take shape from their own homes and offices. Building Green on Montrose and the 100K House are blogs…