
Public Trust Doctrine Preserves Park

Mary Tracy, SCRUB release In an opinion released today, Philadelphia Orphans’ Court Judge John W. Herron  has DENIED the City’s request to lease 19.4 acres of dedicated parkland to Fox Chase Cancer Center. The Judge applied the public trust doctrine as the standard of review in deciding this case. The public trust doctrine, enshrined in Pennsylvania since the early 1900’s,…

Neighborhood Networks Town Hall

Neighborhood Networks Press Release Come to a Town Hall Meeting to Affirm We Are the Change We Need! Monday Nov. 17, 2008 7-9 PM First Unitarian Church 2125 Chestnut St. Philadelphia Neighborhood Networks agrees with President-Elect Obama that we have to be the change we seek. To get universal health care, or to achieve independence…

The Last Recession? Or Best Opportunity?

by Jerry Silberman – As the drama of the bursting bubble of Wall St. gives way to a slower, but steady and painful, economic decline, the first and most important question we should ask is “Should we try to blow another bubble, or should we reject bubble culture values for something entirely different?” If we…

Future Cities

by Walter Libby – No doubt, we are in recession. And our prospects for recovery look grim. Already we’ve seen nine straight months of jobs losses. And it seems likely that they will continue, and get worse. We are caught in what economists call a liquidity trap. Here, despite the Fed driving interest rates ever…

ZBA Hearing on Unisys Sign

SCRUB Press Release Hearing Date: Thursday August 14, 2008 Place: ZBA Hearing Room, 1515 Arch Street, 18th Floor Time: 9AM Unisys Corporation will re-appear before Philadelphia’s Zoning Board of Adjustments tomorrow to finish its presentation seeking a variance from sign control laws protecting the aesthetic character of our city’s skyline. SCRUB will present testimony in…

Our Election Results

Hallwatch Press Release – Do you vote? Would you like to be able to see the election results your tax dollars paid for on the City’s web site? If so, please take one minute to submit a request for access to the City’s password protected election web site. You may do so here. The appropriate…

Green City Teachers Grow Greens

PHS Press Release – The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) will lead more than 25 teachers in creating a school garden as part of its Green City Teachers program on Wednesday, July 9th at Hackett School, 2161 E. York Street. The event will start at 10AM. Now in its second year and made possible with funding…

GAO to Review Deepening Again

Riverkeeper Press Release – Washington, D.C.- In response to a request by Senator Frank Lautenberg (D, NJ) the Government Accountability Office has agreed to conduct an updated review of the Army Corps’ proposed Delaware River Deepening project. In a letter to Senator Lautenberg dated May 15, 2008 the GAO wrote, “We received your recent letter…

Philadelphia Dreamin’

by Brion Shreffler – People were pouring into the Convention Center and I suspected I was in the wrong place. The signs for The Home Show and an attendant inside told me as much; the planning meeting was across the street. I had my doubts that people would show up for a city planning meeting…