Forward on Climate Rally Sunday Feb 17 in DC

Protesters Sit in at White Housephoto by Christine Irvine

Protesters Sit in at White House
photo by Christine Irvine

48 environmental and civil rights leaders were arrested Thursday in front of the White House after planned civil disobedience to protest the Keystone XL tar sand pipeline project being considered by the State Department, and to demand that President Obama get serious about addressing climate change. The sit-in was planned to kick off a weekend of protest, culminating in the largest climate rally in history this Sunday.

The President is contemplating approval for the pipeline, and Sunday’s march may be the last chance Americans have to influence his decision.

The Keystone XL Pipeline has been lauded as a project that will decrease North American’s dependency on foreign sources of energy, and provide lots of domestic jobs. Unfortunately, it could come at a devastating cost to the environment.

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