Tag: Marcellus Shale

PA DEP Secretary Krancer Hedges On Climate Change

Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Michael Krancer presented his budget to the State House Appropriations committee this past week, and was pointedly asked about the impact to the state from climate change. He couldn’t answer the question, and indeed was reluctant to state any opinion about climate change. According to StateImpactPA, when asked by…

Fracktivists Protest Act 13 and Send PA Gov Corbett a Valentine

Anti-Fracking activists gathered on Wednesday in Philadelphia’s Love Park to protest Act 13, signed by Pennsylvania Governor Corbett last February 14th and largely seen as a big valentine by the Republican controlled General Assembly to the natural gas industry in the state. The fractivists wanted to send their own valentine to Corbett this year. Act…

Act 13 A Valentine to Gas Industry, XOXO PA Gov Corbett

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett, a great friend of the natural gas and oil lobby in the state, today signed into law Act 13, legislation that rewrites regulation over the industry. Certainly it’s a sweetheart deal for drillers in the Marcellus Shale. The legislation was ramrodded through both houses of the Republican-controlled state General Assembly over…