Mayflower Tar Sands Spill Shows What Can Go Wrong With Keystone XL

Oil flows through Mayflower streets after pipeline rupture

Oil flows through Mayflower streets after pipeline rupture

Public comment is being accepted until April 22nd for the Keystone XL Pipeline project which would transport, via pipeline, nine times as much crude as the pipeline that just ruptured in Mayflower Arkansas. You cannot clean up oil once it’s in the dirt, the water, coating wildlife. And you can’t eat it either, it’s not good for human health and can cause cancer, something that Exxon documents admit, but that officials have downplayed since the spill happened March 29th.

Chris Tackett reporting for Treehugger gives a great run-down of the citizen journalism that’s allowed the nation to see what actually happened in Mayflower. Aerial footage shows a good overview of the initial spill area. Here is footage of the wetlands area where Exxon is pumping spilled oil to.

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